Stone Worktops – Beauty And Style

Stone worktops have always had a natural beauty that most other types of worktops could only wish they had. Marble and granite really are two truly unique types of worktop. So why have stone worktops been so popular with the mainstream consumers of today? There is no definitive way of finding the reason out for sure as everyone has different preferences when it comes to such matters however here are a few reasons why I believe that both granite and marble have become such firm favourites with today’s moderns consumers.

Let us first start with marble, with it’s nice warm colours and elegant pattern marble really is all about keeping up appearances. Quite possibly the best looking worktop between the two, although again this is down to individual preference, marble is an extremely durable and heat resistant material which looks absoluttely fantastic in any home. Marble does have a few drawbacks however in the fact that firstly it is, like granite, quite a porous stone which means that it has to be treated regularly with a water resistant sealant. The other drawbacks with marble, although not really a drawback in terms of the materials functionality is that marble generally tends to come in only light colours which limits your choice somewhat when making your decisions.

Now let’s move on to granite worktops. Marble and granite are fairly similar when it comes to their strengths and weaknesses however the main difference between the two is that granite is actually formed between volcanic lava and the minerals that it mixes with in it’s vicinity. Being that granite comes originall from lava it is fairly obvious that granite is incredibly resistant to heat, more so than marble. Also, granite happens to be one of the strongest stones to have been discovered by man which also means that granite is incredibly durable. With both it’s durability and heat resistance being at staggeringly high levels granite worktops are absolutely perfect for areas of high traffic and heat generation such as your kitchen.

Again, granite does however have some drawbacks to it. Much like marble, granite is a porous stone but the same methods can be used to ensure that your stone is protected for a longer life. Granite also only really comes in dark colours which unlike marble’s warmth can give of a quite cold feel to your room. Having said that both stones are incredible value and really should not slip your attention if a new worktops should be needed in your home.

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